Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Tuesday the YW/YM played dodge ball. Thanks to the Laurels for heading it up and Darlene and Tom for running the show. We had a ball! (Get it!)

On your mark, get set, GO!

And they are off!

Clayton showing his forceful throw.
Even the Bishop got into the action.
Man down and yet the balls keep coming. No mercy here.
Brianna pleading for someone to hit here.
Oh the disappointment in getting out!
Jill was an awesome dodger. She managed to be last a few times.
And FINALLY, Popsicles! Yum

I love this shot, check out the little ladies man schmoozing the girls.

Monday, April 26, 2010

March & April Activites


Meeting @ 7:45 p.m. at the Church.
Carpooling downtown to hear The Mormon Tabernacle Choir Practice. (8:30 - 9:30p.m.)
Should arrive home around 10p.m.

March 28th Sunday:

BYC meeting for YW Class Presidents only @ Church 2:30 p.m.

Bishop's Fireside 7 p.m. @ Anders0n's home. Everyone invited!

March 30th:

Laurels: Picture Scavenger Hunt. Meet @ Church 7 p.m.


Beehives: Making dinner for Sister in ward. Meet @ 6 p.m with food assignment at Sis. Brown's house to take and eat dinner with Sister Salt.

April 6th:

Laurels: Making a recipe book. Meet @ church 7 p.m.

Mia Maids:

Beehives: Game night, get to know you. Meet @ Shannon's house at 7 p.m. Yummy treat!

April 13th:

Joint YW activity.

Movie Night : Pj's and Popcorn
Meet @ Shannon's house 7 p.m.

April 20th: Selling Flags
Meet at the church at 6:30 pm

April 23rd, Friday: Temple Night and dinner @ 6pm
Meet at the church at 5:30 if you need a ride.

April 25th Sunday: BYC
Meeting for YW Class Presidents only @ church 2:30 p.m

Bishop's Fireside at 7 pm. Place: TBA

April 27th: COMBINED

If it is warm enough we will be playing Softball.
If not we will be playing Dodge ball indoors @ church.
(More details to come)